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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Preview of slave training game early concept

Hello again. The thing I planned on posting today still is having issues so I am posting this instead. Hopefully I can get the other thing situated in the next few days. There are also still two votes on the right of the blog in need of votes, so vote if you haven't already! I did also manage to finally get page jumps working on the character page.

I had a lot of free time the last few days due to really bad weather and other factors so I looked into the slave training game idea. Apparently I now have all the base ideas and mechanics down and the framework in place, all I need is the time to make/put in the actual content. (And preferably some enthusiasm/encouragement from all of you.)

Below is a very early concept preview of what I have planned/made so far. It is a small slave training game featuring Zayla and Salune. (It will have numerous other people/monsters/fetishes as well.) I am going to try and get some animations/music/sfx in as well if I can. The basic idea would be to get all the stats as high as possible within a given amount of time. Notice: only a few options/stats and one timeslot are shown for various reasons, the real game with have more. This also does not guarantee that anything in the image is final or that this is what I will end up making for my first simulation game attempt, (though this is currently the plan) this is just an early concept/test run. 

If the concept here appeals to you, leave a comment letting me know that you like it. If it doesn't appeal to you, let me know why not. (Keep things constructive please.) I have no idea how much content I will be able to put in to this first attempt, but a lot of it depends on how much people like the idea and how much people want it. More positive comments will make this (or any other) game happen faster, since I will be sure that people like it and want it.

If you really like it and want to help me make it faster, the link to my Patreon page is on the right of the blog. Any support helps, and I will post this to Patreon at least a week or two before it gets posted here on the blog, for beta testing and quality control. (I also plan to send copies to certain people/3d artists to evaluate as well.) The $15 tiers and up on Patreon will get access to the beta test/preview version as soon as it's posted. They will also get to provide feedback on it, to fix any issues and possibly change a few things around before it gets released. I might even post an early playable alpha or something similar, but that depends on how development goes. There is also a poll up there right now asking who should be the heroine of my first VN attempt; which will probably be done before this. (It's probably going to be a lot smaller, simpler.) I take that back, this will probably be done first.

EDIT 1/10: The animations I am trying to make are still having issues that only show up on the final render, so I keep having to fix things. Hopefully I can post something in the coming days. I think at least one should be fixed now, I hope.

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